3S Challenge

Holley LS Fest Texas 3S Challenge

3S Challenge stands for Speed, Stop & Steering and combines elements of autocross and speed-stop into its own segment testing the limits of car and driver. A balance of power, suspension setup, brakes, along with driver skill and focus is the key to the fastest time! This unique segment is a ton of fun for both participants and spectators alike. The 3S Challenge is one of the events in the Grand Champion Competition. It is open to all registered Autocross competitors.

The format is a side-by-side, low-speed, down-and-back course layout that will feature a 180-degree turnaround, slalom, and stop box. Each run will be a total of left-side course time combined with right-side course time. A complete run requires clean execution of both the left and right sides.


3S Challenge Awards

1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
$250 CASH + OPTIMA BATTERY$150 Holley Certificate$75 Holley Certificate